Lita was neither cheap, nor thrifted. She was $160 of well spent dough. Although it was not my first JC purchase, it was indeed my first stomp into the shoe cult that is "Lita". The perfect black bootie (pun...intention? where?) I felt was what my collection of goods was missing. I lusted after UNIF's "Hellbound" like a crazed stalker. Talked myself out of it because those mutha effas is tall for everyday use... oh and $242. The all black Lita, always sold out and I wasn't entirely in love with the look. Then Solestruck drops Lita "España". The collection of minorly adjusted spanish boots was FLAWLESS. The all black (heel included) was too perfect to pass. When they arrived I was majorly impressed with the quality. The suede was perfect, the height was perfect, and more importantly the fit guessed it, perfect. Aaaannnd the award for most practical stunner goes to, Lita España!
So it's been over a month and I've worn em everywhere from dancing, to shopping. The suede just gets better the more you beat it up. So what next? I asked myself. Another pair of Lita's? Ummm no. Bitches got bills to pay! Experiment with your shoes ladies (and gentlemen). To keep my shoe marriage fresh, I spiced things up a bit. So here you have it. Some Lita inspiration. Shoe math. 1 pair 4 ways.
Pink Laces: H&M, Highlighter socks: Urban Outfitters |
Green Laces: H&M, Ruffle Socks: Forever 21 |
Grey Laces: taken from my Nike Dunks, Fishnets: Halloween store |
Shiny thigh highs: eBay, JC "Lita España" (the way she comes): Solestruck |